Tag Archives | olympics

If you have a friend like this… the Olympic runner who stopped to walk her injured rival to the finish line

The Olympics is full of inspirational stories. Every medal ceremony is a triumph. There’s the marriage proposals, the rugby player who survived breaking her neck and cancer to get to the Olympics.  Then there’s Yusra Mardini , the Syrian swimmer who almost died pushing a loaded boat of refugees in the Mediterranean. But there’s something about this […]

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Beacon of Hope For Glasgow

The symbolic nature of The Olympic Torch Relay is certain, but symbolizing what? When it passed through Glasgow on June 8th there was definitely a hunger for some meaning to the event – the hope of re-igniting community pride and inclusiveness perhaps? There was an understandable amount of healthy skepticism around on day 21 (of […]

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Things To Come

Theatre Nemo has just published an impressive collection of comic book art from inmates of Barlinnie Prison dealing directly with their mental health and addiction experiences. ‘O’er The Wall’ is available free direct from Theatre Nemo. The messages are honestly told and resonate like the best of underground comics. Keep checking the blog for a […]

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