Tag Archives | music

Creative commons image from Elgin County Archives

Nine things you’ll only understand if you did Scottish country dancing at school

  A post from our Project Manager @rosiehopes There are so many wellbeing benefits to dancing: exercise, music, creativity, socialising. But if you did country dancing at school, it’s more likely that your memories look something like this. # 1 They called it social dancing Everyone in the history of Scotland has called it country […]

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beds on a beach

Bed, mental health and Pink Floyd

A post from our Community Correspondent Robert Terry Let me paraphrase: Everyday I can be anything I want, anyone I want to be and everyday is the first day of the perfect job, I dreamt of yesterday until that is. . . Covers pulled back I’m dressed my feet firmly on the floor and out […]

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machines in heaven performing

What’s music got to do with mental health? We ask @machinesheaven

Our Community Correspondent Pete goes backstage to talk music and mental health with Machines in Heaven @machinesheaven Last Thursday, the Art School played host to Glasgow bands Atom Tree and Machines in Heaven in an exciting and powerful night of electro, shoegaze, post-rock, post-electronica. Our headliners Machines in Heaven, create beautiful, otherworldly sounds with the […]

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