Tag Archives | january

New year, new me: helpful or harmful? A reshare

We’re revisiting some of our old blog posts this January. With the cold, dreary weather, the pressure of new year’s resolutions, and the myth of Blue Monday, January is tough . Be kind to yourself – and have a read. This post was originally uploaded January 13th 2023. We’re almost halfway through January now, and I’m […]

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The myth of Blue Monday – a reshare

This week, we’re continuing a sort of Mind Waves ‘tradition’ of posting about Blue Monday. But instead of writing something new, we’re re-sharing a post from our Project Manager @rosiehopes first published in 2021. Even though three years have passed, and it’s been eight years since Rosie first wrote about the myth of Blue Monday, her words […]

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“You’re not being unambitious. You’re doing what you’re meant to do in winter – staying warm, taking stock, resting” – why January is a joy for @verbisan

A guest post by Lynn Blair, a Glasgow-based lecturer and writer who home-educates four girls. She has been published in numerous anthologies by the Scottish Book Trust and Mother’s Milk books. You can follow her on Twitter @verbisan and Instagram @verbisanpix. At about 3am, once everyone else has gone to bed, when the bubbles have […]

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Forget #bluemonday – the most depressing day of the year is the day you have depression

A re-post from our Project Manager Rosie McIntosh @rosiehopes It’s become  tradition to fear “Blue Monday”, the third Monday of January, which apparently is the most depressing day of the year. It makes sense.  Over Christmas we’ve spent all our money, gained weight, drunk too much and the weather’s rubbish. Sounds like a recipe for depression. […]

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