Tag Archives | bed

I have a love/hate relationship with my bed

@hippychick1987 , our Community Correspondent Ann Marie Sharpe shares her conflicted relationship with her bed With regards to my mental illness, I have a love/hate relationship with my bed. Due to my medication side effects, high anxiety levels and fatigue from bipolar depression, I spend a great deal of time in bed. When I am ill, I […]

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beds on a beach

Bed, mental health and Pink Floyd

A post from our Community Correspondent Robert Terry Let me paraphrase: Everyday I can be anything I want, anyone I want to be and everyday is the first day of the perfect job, I dreamt of yesterday until that is. . . Covers pulled back I’m dressed my feet firmly on the floor and out […]

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photo by Catherine wheat_in_your_hair https://www.flickr.com/photos/17305559@N00/

You’re in a safe place, relax in your space

A poem about bed and wellbeing from our Community Correspondent David Bradley Bed When you’re at the end of the day. And no answers have come your way. When nothing you think can make a link, when things seems dark and out of sight go to the bedroom put on the lamplight. Go to your […]

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Emma, with pink hair

Bed, sleep, head: a sleep diary from @GoodladEmma

The first installment of a sleep diary from Community Correspondent Emma Goodlad Lately, due to a number of factors, my sleep routine, and ability to get out of bed has been all over the place.  Tiredness has been an issue for over a year now, with periods where due to mental illness, I feel constantly […]

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How does bed affect your wellbeing? Our next theme

It’s amazing that we spend about a third of our lives in bed (and often much more or less than that), but we don’t talk about it much. Our relationships with our beds is so strongly connected with our mental wellbeing. We want to hear your stories, experiences and opinions. Here are some ideas, but […]

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