It’s when things get tough that you realise who your friends are.
There’s no doubt that our relationships have a massive impact on our mental wellbeing. We want to hear about your stories and perspectives on friendship and wellbeing. Here are some ideas:
- Maybe you have a special friend who helped you through a tough time?
- Is there a friend who makes you feel happier? Tell us about them.
- Friends and social media: what’s the difference between a facebook friend and a real friend?
- What have you learned from losing a friend?
- Have you made friends in surprising circumstances?
- Have you been reunited with a friend after many years?
- Has your experience of mental ill health brought you closer to people?
- How many friends do you want or need? Can you have too many friends?
We’re sure you will have loads of other ideas. As always, write about it, take a photo, make a video- whatever you want to do to give your perspective or story.
If you’d like to discuss your idea, contact Rosie or tweet us on @mindwaves1
Watch this space for more stories.
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