I’ve been wanting my own dog for so long, but this was heightened when life’s setbacks put an end to my dream of having my own children.
It was completely out of my control and a very, very sad time. It certainly contributed to the breakdown of my mental wellbeing.
Well, a deposit was placed and I waited in anticipation of the future birth of little Fidget: my super-independent Jack Russell.
I discussed this with my doctor, who was extremely concerned on what was to be my new addition. But she needn’t have worried. Fidget forced me out the door in my darkest times. Six months later my doctor apologised for her doubts.
Fidget is so loving that she was assessed as a Pets as Therapy dog. She nearly made the cut, but she jumped up once too often and, because of the nature of the patients, they said she wasn’t ready for the job.
We were invited to reapply six months later, but after a few tears I decided not to try again. It would have meant constantly keeping her on a leash and totally changing her as a dog. I wasn’t about to restrain that love from anyone, the way I have with myself in loving myself.
So Fidget is now three and a half,I’ve now got her Dad, Bounce, who is eight.The breeder retired him due to her seeing the life Fidget has and how well balanced she is. I often share stories about them: they ground me, love me unconditionally, make me laugh so much at times and smile constantly. They really are my lifesavers and I truly feel so blessed to be a their mum and for that I have better balance in my mental health.
P.S Getting a dog was right for me, but you need to completely weigh everything up before you make a massive decision of getting any animal.They are for Life!
Lots and lots of woofs
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