12.30-1.30 – July 26 #MentalHealthTimeOut
There’s been a lot of talk about mental health in the workplace here in Scotland, with campaigns such as See Me recently shining more light on the subject through their recent “The Power of Okay” film.
If you work or volunteer in the third sector you’ll know that charities and social enterprises can be inspiring and conjugal workplaces. But some characteristics of the sector and the challenges it faces can place additional demand and pressures on the workforce and create a particular need for good mental health practices in the job environment.
Catherine Eadie runs MHScot Workplace Wellbeing, a social enterprise that offers information, training and support to managers, staff and workplaces. Her recent article for Third Force News focused on this issue as it relates to the third sector, and she is following up this article on the 26th of July with a Mental Health Time Out Twitter Q&A, in conjunction with the Edinburgh Social Enterprise Network.
#MentalHealthTimeOut twitter chat
Do you have a question about mental health, especially in charity workplaces?
Between 12.30 and 1.30pm on the 26th of July, take some time out for your mental health over lunch and tweet Catherine a question relating to mental health, or mental health in the third sector workplace, ENDING your tweet with the handle @MHScot_Consult and the hashtag #MentalHealthTimeOut
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