In early November, the International Social Media event was held at Impact Arts. There were different speakers, among them Trevor Lakey who talked about Mind Waves. There were many comments after his speech which have been put into rap/poem format by the Mind Waves team.
Comments from international social media event #commedia13
Mental Health
Take control.
Find someone who can help.
Embrace what makes you you!
Literally make a song and dance about your problems.
Exercise your mind.
Mental health issues are an illness not a crime.
Always be ready and open to listening.
You could make a huge difference in someone’s life.
Destroy the stigma!
Help others treat everyone the same.
Promote equality and inclusion.
Empower people who’s voices have traditionally been obscured
Reach out with different stories.
Take that first step to get involved in something you enjoy.
Showcase testimonies of people who have taken that first step.
Aim to make at least 5 people a day smile
Yeah take control
Exercise your mind
Destroy the stigma
Reach out and make people smile every day.
Mental health Getting the message out to the masses
Release a song with a dance routine.
Use the power of word of mouth
Utilise street social media
Have a street run with people dressed up as letters spelling “exercise your mind”
Have cards on lamp posts
Use Posters/Twitter/facebook/college/education website.
Social media presents a wide and diverse audience.
You can be as anonymous or outspoken as you want
Reach out to others get help and give it.
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